Heaven's Will or Man-made

Li Yan leaned back on the sofa with one arm around Qiao Mu's shoulder. He casually played with her hair and replied, ""Why is he back so soon? Are you done?"

" Yeah, according to the reports from the people there, Second Brother worked very hard after he went there. He didn't stop working day and night. He solved a month's work in half a month. If he was always so efficient, we wouldn't have to work so hard. " Lu Jingzhi said.

"Do you want to go out for a meal tonight to relax?" Li Yan asked softly as he looked at Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu thought about it and nodded. She had been cooped up at home for the entire day, so it was good to go out for a meal.

However ...

" Uncle, I'm not going with you guys. I'm going to have dinner with Chi Xia and Baby Guan alone. I won't be joining you guys. "

Since Qiao Mu had an appointment tonight, Li Yan agreed to Lu Jingzhi's request.


Night fell.