He Will Always Be In Her Sight

Qiao Mu had a very chaotic dream. She dreamed that she was sold by her mother when she was young. At that time, she could not understand why other children's mothers were so gentle and kind, but her mother was heartless and cold-blooded.

Later on, she had longed to restore her mother-daughter relationship with her mother time and time again. Even if Zhou Jieru made things difficult for her, she had to do her best because Zhou Jieru was her mother.

But later, she completely gave up on Zhou Jieru. At that time, she knew in despair that in a person's eyes, money was far more important than family.

At that time, she didn't understand why Zhou Jieru was so cruel.

It wasn't until the day the truth came out that she suddenly realized that it wasn't that Zhou Jieru didn't have maternal love, but because she only treated her as a tool to make money. They had no kinship at all.