A Simple Birthday (4)

Time ticked by, and it was already very late.

Chi Xia urged Su Chen to sleep. She couldn't stay up late when she was sick.

Su Chen entered the bedroom and lay down. He could hear the faint sound of the television outside the room.

He faced the pitch-black room, not feeling sleepy at all.

Su Chen couldn't remember how long it had been since he had experienced the feeling of being together as a family. They ate together and watched TV together. This simple life that he had lost a long time ago had given him a chance to enjoy it again tonight.

He knew that the woman's heart was not with him, but he still could not help but want to keep her by his side.

He tried his best not to disturb her life, but if this continued, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and would use all means to trap her by his side.