Who Made My Little Woman Angry?

Qiao Mu's eyes turned cold. " Ning Tongtong, if this is the only way you can gain some face from me, I don't think you need to waste this time. No matter how much you show off, you're just trash in my eyes. I can't even get enough of you, so why would I envy trash? "

Qiao Mu! " Ning Tongtong instantly lost control.

Qiao Mu smiled faintly. " You'd better go and show off to someone else. You'll only be asking for a snub here. Goodbye, Miss Trash. "

After saying that, Qiao Mu hung up the call and threw her phone away like she was throwing trash. She threw it on the sofa opposite her, and her phone bounced off the sofa and onto the floor.

The phone collided with the ground, producing a crisp sound that instantly extinguished the anger in Qiao Mu's heart.