Little thing, are you thirsty?

The next day, Qiao Mu woke up groggily and found herself in an unfamiliar room.

Last night, she had fallen asleep unknowingly while being carried by Li Yan. She did not know how she had followed him back to her room. This room was not the one she had stayed in. It was obviously Li Yan's room.

The seat beside her was empty. She was sleepy and her mind was a little blank. It took her a while to react before she heard the sound of running water in the bathroom.

The bathroom was connected to the bedroom, separated by a layer of glass. From Qiao Mu's angle, she could see the figure bathing inside.

The glass was covered with a layer of mist. The man's tall body was outlined behind the glass. A beautiful man bathing in the bath bloomed in front of her.

Upon seeing this scene, Qiao Mu's sleepiness instantly vanished.

This hotel was too scheming. The bathroom was actually designed like this!