Finally Kidnapped Her Daughter-in-law Home

Trust him, respect him, love him, no matter good or bad, share with him, hold his hand, and entrust her life to him.

No matter what happened, she would always be by his side, accompanying him in life and death.

Qiao Mu smiled at Li Yan and signed the agreement.

At this moment, the agreement came into effect. They were truly husband and wife.

When Qiao Mu and Li Yan came out of the church, each of them was holding a small red book.

The little red book was printed in French. One day, they would receive a marriage certificate printed in Chinese!

Qiao Mu excitedly took a photo of the marriage certificate to commemorate this moment.

Before she could admire her marriage certificate, it was snatched away by Li Yan.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

"I'll keep this for you. Don't lose it because you're careless." Li Yan's tone was overbearing.