She Won't Be Tortured to Death If She Had Any Thoughts About Her Husband (2)

As she spoke, Qiao Mu moved her ankles and then pretended to frown as if she was in great pain.

Li Yan was instantly conquered by this little woman's acting skills.

He knew that she was faking it, but his body tensed up after being provoked by her delicate performance.

Especially since she rarely behaved like this. In front of him, she was very reserved most of the time. Now that she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms and said suggestive words in an ambiguous tone, he could not resist.

He really had no resistance to her at all times.

Abby, who was watching from the side, was dumbfounded. She never expected Qiao Mu to throw herself into Li Yan's arms as soon as she came up. She never thought that Qiao Mu would do such an unreserved action, but it seemed to be very effective!

Li Yan did not push her away!

Moreover, Li Yan's shirt seemed to have been rubbed open by her, which made Abby furious.

This scheming b * tch!