Young Master Li, Can You Help Me Back to My Room?

Li Yan finally appeared in the audience because Qiao Mu's fashion show was in the afternoon.

Qiao Mu was watching the live broadcast on television in her office, searching for Li Yan's figure. She saw him sitting among the crowd of fashionistas and celebrities, still looking noble and extraordinary. His innate aura was something that no one could suppress.

After the model's runway show ended, the fashion designer went on stage. Qiao Mu stood on the runway and smiled at Li Yan, who was below the stage. She looked at the beautiful women around her who were flirting with him. Qiao Mu wanted to tell everyone that this man was hers as soon as possible!

After the press conference ended, Qiao Mu was about to go look for Li Yan when she bumped into Abby limping over to her. It was as if she was relying on the fact that she was a disabled person and that no one could do anything to her. She looked extremely arrogant.