Were You the One Who Kidnapped Me?

Ning Tongtong shouted in exasperation, " Someone hit someone! Someone hit someone at the court entrance! "

Baby Guan was furious. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to step forward to teach Ning Tongtong a lesson, but Qiao Mu pulled her away. " Forget it, she's a lunatic. If we argue with her, we'll lower our standards. "

"Mu Mu, if we don't teach this kind of person a lesson, she'll only push her luck!"

"If you really hit her, she will have a reason to bite us back. Let's go." Qiao Mu knew that Baby Guan was short-tempered. If she really attacked the lunatic Ning Tongtong, what would happen?

Baby Guan snorted angrily. " Crazy woman, if I see you acting crazy again, don't blame me for being rude. I promise to drag you into the small dark room and beat you up! My strength is beating people up!"

Ning Tongtong looked at Baby Guan in disdain. " We won't have the chance to meet again. You two will be hit by a car on the way back! "