She Had Her Mother's Love

Qiao Mu finished the chicken soup in one gulp and sniffed. " I like it. Mom, can you get me another bowl? "

Yu Yiduo looked at Qiao Mu but did not take the bowl. Instead, she patted Qiao Mu's head with heartache. " Mu Mu, you don't have to suffer so much just to cater to my preferences. I'm not an evil granny. If you're trying to reason with me, I'll listen to your opinion. "

Hearing Yu Yiduo's words, Qiao Mu only felt the emotions in her heart churn even more.

The tears that were originally just swirling in her eyes could not bear it anymore and fell down.

Some people despised her, some people did not care about her, and at the same time, there were also people who cared about her. They would feel sorry for her because of her emotions and words.

She did not only have Li Yan, who loved her dearly. She also had Yu Yiduo. Although she was not her biological mother, she was more like her biological mother. What was there to be sad about?