They're Not a Couple

Ling Xi continued to drive. " My mom wants you to come to my house for dinner before the New Year. "

"Huh?" Ye Nuan was stunned. " Why should I go to your house for dinner? "

Ling Xi frowned. " What's with that expression? It's just a meal. It won't make you lose a piece of meat. Besides, my parents think that you're their daughter-in-law. It's normal for them to want me to bring you home for a meal."

"But I'm not their daughter-in-law!"

Ye Nuan subconsciously replied, causing Ling Xi's expression to turn cold. " Of course I know. I just want you to act and help me deal with them. As my girlfriend, shouldn't you take up this responsibility? "

Ye Nuan thought about it and felt that it did make sense. However, it was completely different from the consensus she had just reached with him when she asked her to lie to his parents.