Always Liked Taking Benefits

Su Chen glanced at Chi Xia and saw that she was eagerly waiting for his reply. He only gave her a cold look and looked away without saying anything.

Even if he could understand why she came home, he was selfish enough to keep her by his side.

Chi Xia looked at the man's back as he walked in front of her and gritted her teeth. He was really unreasonable and unlikeable!

Su Chen turned around and glanced at Chi Xia. " What else do you want to buy? I'm in a good mood today. You can choose whatever you want."

As he spoke, he noticed Chi Xia's shocked expression and added, ""Consider it your year-end New Year gift."

Chi Xia was in a good mood when she heard that. This was what a boss should be like!

"Boss is really generous. I won't stand on ceremony then!" She smiled flatteringly.

Su Chen's lips curled into a smile as he watched Chi Xia run to the snacks section and start picking out food.