Their First Spring Festival (1)

After Qiao Mu's torment, Li Yan could forget about sleeping anymore. However, it was only six in the morning, and the sky had just brightened.

Qiao Mu woke up very early because of herself, but when she went downstairs, she realized that Yu Yiduo had also woken up.

She smiled. " Auntie, why are you up so early too? "

Could it be that Ms. Yu would be excited about the Spring Festival at her age?

However, Yu Yiduo looked worried. " Sigh, I can't sleep when I think about how I'll age another year after a year. "

Qiao Mu was speechless. Alright, so that was the case.

After breakfast, Qiao Mu asked curiously, ""Uncle, why didn't we prepare fireworks at home?"

"We don't set off fireworks at home." After Li Yan finished speaking, he saw Qiao Mu's expression darken.

" It's fine if you don't put it away, " she said understandingly. " It's an environmental protection! "