Uncle Is Old

Suddenly, a child walked over and tugged at the corner of Qiao Mu's clothes. " Sister, the hospital director's granny said that the IQ of every age group is set. Even if you try many times, your IQ is the same as ours and you won't know how to play. Ask the uncle over there to come over and play. He's old, so his IQ must be enough! "

Qiao Mu was speechless.

She was actually despised by a five-year-old child!

However, was it really appropriate to say that about Li Yan?

Qiao Mu subconsciously looked at Li Yan. He pursed his lips, and his expression did not look too good. Clearly, he had heard the child's words.

The way she addressed him as " uncle " and the words " older " made the corners of Li Yan's mouth curl up instantly.

However, Qiao Mu was still gloating, wanting to laugh, but she held back her laughter. He glared at her coldly, and Qiao Mu couldn't help but laugh out loud.