Ning Tongtong Is Pregnant

Soon, Ning Tongtong knocked on the door and entered. When she saw Li Yan, her eyes lit up. " Young Master Li…"

Li Yan looked at her coldly. " I heard that you threatened me? "

" How would I dare to threaten Young Master Li? Actually, I'm just testing Young Master Li to see if he knows about Qiao Mu and Shu Xinyu's relationship. As expected, you know about it, and I've only just found out about this. I thought that there was a huge misunderstanding between my mother and Qiao Mu. After all, they're biological mother and daughter, so I wanted to help them reunite. Young Master Li must have the same thoughts, right? " Ning Tongtong tried to see Li Yan's reaction.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes coldly. " Ning Tongtong, I've warned you not to have any other ideas. You're the one who schemed against my woman! "