No One Dares to Plot Against Me

Qiao Mu went around Li Yan and walked out. " If they see me, things will get worse. I'll get the driver to send me to the fashion show first. Tell me the results tonight. "

Seeing that she did not seem to care, Li Yan felt helpless. " Should I be glad that you trust me so much, or should I be disappointed that you don't care about me? "

Qiao Mu smiled and leaned in front of Li Yan to kiss him. " Could it be that you like me being unreasonable with you? " Alright, I'm really in a hurry. I'll be leaving first."

Qiao Mu was about to leave when Li Yan held her hand. " Let's go together. "

Qiao Mu looked at him doubtfully. Shu Xinyu didn't know about their relationship, so could it be that he wanted to make it public?

Li Yan held her hand and walked out. He let her get into the car and got in as well. " Dealing with this kind of thing won't take up any time. It won't stop me from sending you off. "