She Wants Everything About Qiao Mu

Chi Xia frowned. " Why does she keep targeting you? First, she took a fancy to your design drafts, and then she took a fancy to your man. She has a big appetite!"

Qiao Mu shrugged her shoulders disapprovingly. " It's not hers, so she can't snatch it away no matter how hard she tries. Now that the matter has blown up, let's see how she'll clean up the mess when the truth is revealed! "

She finally understood Li Yan's motive. The best way to deal with this was to let him slap himself in the face.

In the evening, Qiao Mu received a call from Li Yan. As the reporters were watching closely, he went straight home and asked the driver to pick her up.

Qiao Mu sat in the car and opened Weibo, which was flooded with news about Ning Tongtong's pregnancy.

Opening Ning Tongtong's Weibo homepage, Qiao Mu noticed a new update. Ning Tongtong had posted:"I won't force the child's father to take responsibility. I'm willing to keep the child and bear all the consequences myself."