You Can Only Be With Me

After getting into Su Chen's car, Qiao Mu and Chi Xia sat in the backseat. Qiao Mu smiled and said, "" Young Master Su, I let you ride the chauffeur today because of Xiaxia. "

Chi Xia secretly pouted. To Su Chen, Mu Mu's reputation was greater than hers. She was just a nanny, and Mumu was her sister-in-law!

Su Chen's lips curved slightly. " I hate being taken advantage of, but I can get it back from my brother. "

See, it was just as Chi Xia thought.

Qiao Mu was rendered speechless. She had said those words just now to get closer to the two of them, but Su Chen did not play any tricks at all.

It was no wonder that the two of them did not make any progress. Qiao Mu was also helpless.

In order not to be a third wheel, Qiao Mu got Su Chen to send her to Li Yan's company nearby and got out of the car early.