I Don't Like That Scum

When Qiao Mu arrived at school, she did not see Baby Guan. She asked Chi Xia, who told her that Baby Guan was in the dormitory.

Then, Qiao Mu arrived at the dormitory and found Baby Guan sleeping soundly, catching up on her sleep.

Qiao Mu happened to have no classes, so she took out the courses in Paris and made up for it herself.

By chance, she saw Baby Guan's phone on her pillow. The screen lit up, then turned off, and then lit up again after a while. She leaned over to take a look and saw that there were thirteen missed calls from Lu Jingzhi.

Lu Jingzhi had just woken up when he realized that the woman beside him was no longer there!

He walked around the house but did not see Baby Guan. She had actually run away!

However, Lu Jingzhi was still in a good mood. Did this mean that Baby Guan was shy?

Then, he called Baby Guan. No one picked up!

This woman!