Chapter 1134-Court of Plundering

As she had done intense exercise the night before to relax her body, Qiao Mu successfully woke up late the next day.

Today was the day of Ning Tongtong's plagiarism trial. Qiao Mu washed up briefly and arrived at the court.

Key handed everything over to the lawyer, and Qiao Mu only needed to appear in the first court session to go through the procedures.

She arrived at the court. Before the court session, she saw Ning Tongtong and her lawyer preparing for the court session. Ning Tongtong had suffered a serious injury and was obviously much more haggard. The strange thing was that Shu Xinyu did not accompany her on such an occasion.

Qiao Mu thought that Ning Tongtong would more or less know how to reflect on herself and repent after all these things, but Ning Tongtong's hateful gaze told her everything when she saw her.

Ning Tongtong walked toward Qiao Mu and sneered. " Qiao Mu, did you see the text I sent you? Aren't you curious who harmed you?"