Do You Dare to Find Another Love? 3

In the hotel, Lu Jingzhi carried Baby Guan, who was baring her fangs and brandishing her claws, and threw her onto the bed.

Baby Guan struggled with all her might. " Lu Jingzhi, don't do anything rash. If you touch me, I will castrate you! "

"You're allowed to sleep with me, but I'm not allowed to sleep with you? If you have the ability, sleep with me again!"

"You! It's tasteless. There's no need to do it a second time!"

"What did you say?"

"I said…Wuwu ..."

Before Baby Guan could finish her sentence, her mouth was gagged. A familiar breath and a familiar taste made her dizzy.

Her body, which had been resisting strongly, instantly softened when Lu Jingzhi touched her.

Damn it, why couldn't she resist this man's temptation? Her resistance was weaker when she was drunk, but now she was sober!

Lu Jingzhi narrowed his eyes at her. " No flavor? Hmm?"

"Yes!" Baby Guan continued to be stubborn.

Lu Jingzhi sneered. " I think you're enjoying yourself. "