Chapter 1185-Suicide?

Qiao Mu's mind was in a mess. It was hard to imagine that Ning Tongtong would choose to end her life by committing suicide. How could Ning Tongtong do something so cruel to her?

Li Yan looked down at Qiao Mu and patted her head gently. " This matter hasn't been investigated thoroughly yet. Don't think too much. Even if she committed suicide, it has nothing to do with you. You didn't cause it. "

Qiao Mu nodded, her expression extremely ugly.

Due to this incident, there was no need to go to the court anymore. Qiao Mu stayed at home and did not go out.

Li Yan accompanied Qiao Mu at home, waiting for Ning Tongtong's investigation results.

Soon, Lei Yi called to report the situation.

The police verified that Ning Tongtong had indeed committed suicide. Her car sank to the bottom of the lake and could not be salvaged, but Ning Tongtong was floating on the surface of the water. In other words, Ning Tongtong did not wear her seatbelt.