She Was Not Playing Hard to Get

Upstairs, Qiao Mu was watering the potted plants on the balcony. When she saw Chi Xia, she smiled and waved at her. " Xiaxia, you're here. "

Chi Xia nodded and glared at Qiao Mu. " Why didn't you remind me that Su Chen was here? "

"Huh? Was Su Chen here? I didn't go downstairs, so I didn't see him." As she spoke, Qiao Mu frowned. " Didn't you two come together? What is it now?"

"It's nothing." Chi Xia sat down on the chair. " How are you feeling? Are you feeling better? "

"I'm fine. I've been living too comfortably recently, so I've gained two pounds." Although there were too many unpleasant things, it did not affect her diet at all.