How does it feel to kiss the person you like?

Suddenly, his phone rang, breaking the current situation.

Su Chen paused and realized that he had lost control.

He took a deep breath and tensed his body. Finally, he let go of her and sat up.

Chi Xia panted heavily. She did not care if there were people outside the car as she quickly opened the door and escaped.

Su Chen looked at the fleeing figure outside the door and frowned. He opened a bottle of water and poured it into his mouth, but it could not extinguish the fire.


Chi Xia rushed upstairs in one breath. When she was outside the house, she realized that something was not right with her appearance. She remained calm at the door for a long time before she opened the door and entered the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Chi were watching television. She greeted them without even raising her head and went into her room.

Stepping into the pillow, she clenched her fists and pounded the bed. Why didn't she wake up earlier and stop Su Chen from getting close to her?