He's Like A Single Person Dominating You

Qiao Mu nodded. " Don't worry. I won't have any interactions with her at the fashion show for the time being. Besides, there will be a lot of people there. Even if she wants to do something, she won't be able to do it. "

Li Yan was still worried. " You need someone by your side. It's not safe to be alone. "

Qiao Mu thought about it, and her eyes lit up. " I would have forgotten if you didn't mention it. Ye Nuan is now her exclusive model. I'll call her now. "

Ever since the Paris Fashion Week ended, Ye Nuan's value had skyrocketed. It was not easy to invite her to a show.

She dialed Ye Nuan's number and told her the reason for her visit. Ye Nuan readily agreed to be her model.

After hanging up, Qiao Mu looked at Li Yan. " Are you relieved now? "

Li Yan nodded and called Ling Xi.

After the call connected, he said bluntly,"I'll arrange something for you."