Chapter 1248-Pulling and Pulling, How Decent!

After saying that, Ye Nuan hung up the phone and sighed.

She tapped on Ling Xi's phone and wanted to send him a message to apologize, but after hesitating for a moment, she decided against it. It would be good if she could take this opportunity to cut ties with him.

She was with Ling Xi because she wanted to use him. Now that she had used him, it was good to break up.


Qiao Mu arrived at Li Yan's company and saw Lei Yi outside. After confirming that Li Yan was in his office, she walked to the front of the office and knocked twice symbolically before pushing the door open and entering.

As soon as she entered, she saw Li Yan walking towards the door. Her first reaction was that this man was coming to pick her up personally?

Then, she pounced on him happily and hooked her arms around his neck. She jumped onto him and rubbed herself against him coquettishly. " Uncle, did you miss me? "