The Truth Is Revealed (8)

" Shu Xinyu, it's only now that I've seen your true colors. I've been deceived by you for so many years. The woman who has lived with me for nearly twenty years has such a face! " Ning Yue's eyes were filled with disappointment.

Shu Xinyu had already lost control of herself. She burst out laughing. " Don't tell me you want to divorce me? I'm delusional! If you abandon your wife who has terminal cancer, you'll be called a heartless man for the rest of your life. I know you won't divorce me!"

"You!" Ning Yue was speechless.

When Qiao Mu saw this scene, she did not feel happy at all. She only felt pity for Shu Xinyu. This woman did not know how to cherish everything she had, and she did not deserve to have all of this.

Ning Yue only knew that Shu Xinyu was crazy, but he didn't know what she had done.

If he knew that Ning Tongtong's death was related to Shu Xinyu, he wondered if he would be angered to death.