Having You Is My Greatest Luck (1)

Shu Xinyu had completely lost her humanity as an old woman. If she didn't use this method to threaten her, she really didn't know what this woman would do next.

Qiao Mu didn't want to waste any more time on Shu Xinyu, so she turned around and left after she finished speaking.

The reporter was confused and wanted to ask Qiao Mu what was going on, but Qiao Mu had already walked out.

The reporters began to ask Shu Xinyu what Qiao Mu was talking about. However, Shu Xinyu's gaze was fixed on the direction Qiao Mu had left in, and she was extremely panic-stricken.

How did Qiao Mu know about this?

She had done it flawlessly. She had used Ning Tongtong's identity and was only discovered by Ning Tongtong. There shouldn't be a third person who knew!

In other words, the evidence that she had received previously was sent by Qiao Mu?