Meeting You Is My Greatest Luck (7)

Li Yan and Qiao Mu looked at each other for a while before nodding. " Alright, as you wish. We'll be on equal footing in the future. "

Qiao Mu couldn't help but laugh. " What do you mean by equal footing? I don't want to compete with you for the position of the head of the family. In the future, regardless of whether it's good or bad, you must remember to share it with me at the first opportunity. I'll also think of you at the first opportunity if I have any problems! "

Li Yan raised his eyebrows. " Why? Wasn't I the first person you thought of when something happened? Who is that?"

"You guess!"

Qiao Mu blinked mischievously before her expression turned serious. She hooked her arms around Li Yan's neck, and her petite body was practically hanging on his body. She said softly, ""Li Yan, it's good to have you."

It was good to have him. This was what she felt from the bottom of her heart.