Chapter 1377-Su Chen's Anger

Mother Su's expression didn't look too good. She forced a smile and said, " Chen Chen, I called you, but you didn't pick up, so I could only come to look for you. It's New Year's Day in two days. Go home and spend it with me. "

Su Chen sneered. " Go home? Which home? I don't remember when I became a member of the Chen family. My surname is Su!"

Mrs. Su looked embarrassed. " I know you still can't accept it. I just hope you can spend the holidays with me. "

Su Chen's expression remained unchanged. " After you remarried into the Chen family, we couldn't spend the holidays together anymore. You understood this many years ago, didn't you? "

Chi Xia watched Su Chen's expression from the side. This man was really angry. No matter what Mother Su said, his face was still cold. She could see the coldness and distance in his eyes.