Likes Both Men and Women

How did Su Chen offend her mother? In just a short while, his attitude had changed 360 degrees!

After Mother Chi finished her rant, Chi Xia quickly voiced out the doubt in her heart, ""Mom, why do you have such a big opinion of him? Why are you so angry?"

What Mama Chi said next shocked Chi Xia.

"How can I not be angry? Why are you so close to such a scumbag boss? Not only do you like men, but you also like women? What's going on? It's his preference to like men. I have no prejudice against gays, but what about him? He likes both men and women. If he's not a scumbag, what is he?"

"Mom, what are you talking about!"

Chi Xia was on the verge of breaking down. What did she mean by 'all-rounder?' Oh my god, her mother had misunderstood her completely.

So the reason why she was so angry was because she had misunderstood!