You Want to Be the Mistress of This House?

After New Year's Eve, Li Yan packed his luggage and prepared to take advantage of the New Year holidays to bring Qiao Mu back to China after their vacation.

As it was an early morning flight, Qiao Mu lay lazily in bed and refused to get out of bed. Li Yan paced back and forth in his room, helping him and his wife pack their luggage.

Qiao Mu half-closed her eyes in a daze as she looked at the tall figure busying himself. She smiled foolishly. She never thought that she would find such a virtuous husband who cultivated both internally and externally and could help her handle everything.

Outside, he was her pillar of support. Inside, he was her full-time nanny. Who would have thought that he, the dignified Young Master Li, would be so considerate?

Even though Qiao Mu was already used to being touched by these details, she still couldn't help but secretly rejoice in her heart, feeling as if she had picked up a treasure.