An Accident During The Journey (5)

The arm around Qiao Mu's waist tightened, and Li Yan looked at Zhou Cheng indifferently. " It seems like Mr. Zhou values relationships very much. The person in the painting isn't your wife, yet you've kept this painting until now. "

Zhou Cheng looked at the painting. " To me, who painted this painting, this person was indeed very important. However, keeping the painting now is just to commemorate that stage of my life. "

As he spoke, Zhou Cheng looked at Qiao Mu. " Miss Qiao seems to be very interested in this painting. I'm very sorry, but this painting is only for the public to admire and not for sale. "

Qiao Mu shook her head. " I'm just amazed by Mr. Zhou's outstanding painting skills when he was young. Although this painting is rather crude, you can tell that a lot of emotion was put into it. The facial features and expressions of the person in the painting are very detailed. If I may ask, what was your relationship with the person in the painting at that time? "