Caught on a Blind Date (4)

Ling Xi frowned. " Who's down? " Which eye of yours saw me depressed?"

Qiao Mu pretended to be puzzled. " Eh, did I say anything to you? I didn't mention any names. Why are you taking the blame?"

Ling Xi was speechless.

Ye Nuan glanced at Ling Xi, then said to Qiao Mu, ""I'm having dinner with my mother."

Qiao Mu stopped joking when she saw Ye Nuan winking at her. " Then you can't eat with us? " Alright, let's meet another day."

As Qiao Mu spoke, Ye Nuan stepped forward and walked out of the private room. Just as she was about to close the door, she heard her mother's voice from inside the room.

Xiao Nuan, who are you talking to? "

"I met a friend. Mom, you guys eat first." Ye Nuan said as she closed the door.

Ling Xi saw that she was trying to hide something and stepped forward. " Should I greet Auntie when I see her? "

"No need." Ye Nuan's voice was very soft, worried that the people in the room would notice Ling Xi's presence.