Is She ... Pregnant? 4

Qiao Mu was stunned. " Doctor, the results of this test paper aren't 100% accurate, are they? I want to do an ultrasound."

The doctor's expression was indifferent. " Your period is only delayed by 20 days. Even if you're really pregnant, the fetus is too small. The success rate of an ultrasound test is not as good as a test strip. Don't worry, I know this better than you. Take two test strips and try. If the results are the same, you'll be 100% sure. "

Qiao Mu felt that it was rather unbelievable. Although she had never experienced this before, this was the largest hospital in the city, and its medical technology was advanced. She came to check if she was pregnant, and he only gave her two test papers that cost a few yuan?

However, since the doctor had said so, Qiao Mu could only take the pregnancy test kit to the room at the side for a check-up.