If You Don't Go Back, Your Wife Will Run Away With Someone Else

Listening to the conversation on the other end of the phone, Li Yan snorted coldly. " Shen Yu, you're living a carefree life with a beauty in your arms. If I were to give you 6% of the shares and let you live separately from your woman for a year, would you be willing? "

Shen Yu was speechless.

He had only been in the United States for a few days. It was not like he was really separated from his woman for a year!

She had long known that Li Yan loved his woman, but she did not expect him to be so obsessed with his wife that he had to run home after being separated for a few days.

However, thinking about it, if he were to separate from Qianqian, it would not feel good. As a man, it was understandable.

After thinking for a while, Shen Yu said,"Boss Li, how about this." Help me for another three days. After three days, leave the rest to me!"