Don't Like Children?

After joking, Baby Guan handed a bag to Qiao Mu. ""Mu Mu, how is your body recovering? These are two bottles of health supplements I prepared for you. Take them back in case of emergencies. consult the doctor and take them on time if they are right."

Qiao Mu looked at Baby Guan and walked forward to hug her. " Baby, thank you. Thank you for the health supplements you gave me. "

If Baby Guan hadn't given her this health supplement to replace the medicine prescribed by the doctor, she might have taken Leonurus. No one could predict what would happen now.

Fortunately, Baby Guan had saved her life.

Baby Guan was stunned for a moment by Qiao Mu's hug, and then she said in bafflement, ""Mu Mu, isn't it just two bottles of medicine? It's only a few dollars. You don't have to be so grateful to me, right? If you really feel bad, I don't mind if you treat me to a few big meals. I'm easily satisfied."