Most Probably Lovelorn

Su Chen knew that Chi Xia might misunderstand when she heard that it was a woman who answered his call, but he still didn't explain.

Explain? Did Chi Xia need it?

Perhaps that woman didn't care at all. Perhaps she couldn't wait for him to change his mind and give her a way out so that she could return to Gu Cheng's side naturally.

Maybe ... She had contacted him to tell him that she had moved out of his apartment.

Su Chen changed his clothes and walked out of his room. Amy had accidentally spilled vegetable soup on his clothes while they were discussing something, so he had to go back to his room to change.

As for Amy, she was just his business partner. As a woman, Amy was no less efficient than a man. They had business dealings with Amy all year round.

But this time, there was a problem with the deal. Because of Amy's help, things progressed much faster than expected. However, business partners were just business partners. There was no other way.