Chapter 1562-A Little Young To Fight With Her

Finally, Su Chen spoke. " I don't like to eat food that is picked up by others. Besides, I have hands. I can eat it myself. "

Amy felt ashamed. All her enthusiasm had been shattered by this man's coldness.

Chi Xia continued to eat her own food as if she was an outsider. She interrupted and ate her food silently.

Qiao Mu couldn't stand it anymore. " Xiaxia, Young Master Su's pigeon soup is cold. Can you get him another bowl? "

Chi Xia knew Qiao Mu's intention. She was trying to set her up with Su Chen, but she was not in the mood to care about Su Chen right now. She really could not compete with other women to get on Su Chen's good side.

She put down her chopsticks. Just as everyone thought she was going to scoop soup for Su Chen, she stood up and said, " I'm going to the washroom. "