I'm Willing to Admit Cowardice in Front of You (2)

Even though one of Su Chen's hands was injured, he was still very careful when he hugged Chi Xia. It was as if the woman in his arms was a precious treasure that was worth a fortune and he could not bear to let her get hurt.

It was Amy's first time seeing Su Chen like this. She couldn't imagine that Su Chen would be so devoted to a woman.

She had known Su Chen for so many years. She had only seen Su Chen in a completely relaxed state when he was with Li Yan and the others. Although Su Chen was not as cold as Li Yan and seemed gentle on the surface, he was actually very distant to outsiders. That coldness came from the bottom of his heart. Even if he was not very passionate towards her, she was already very satisfied. At least, he was even colder to the other members of the opposite sex.

But now, Amy realized that he could put down all his pretense when it came to the people he truly cared about, just like he was now, with only tenderness and sincerity.