Give You Everything I Have (3)

Ling Xi did not think much of it. " What I want to give, why can't I? "

As he spoke, he took out a document from the car and handed it to her. " Take a closer look. This is all the assets under your name, including the management company you're signing with now. It's also under your name. "

Ye Nuan was speechless. This was really a shock!

Ye Nuan couldn't digest this matter at all. After a long time, she said, ""What if I break up with you now?"

“.. Say it again!" This woman actually said this to him after hearing the news!

Shouldn't she be very touched and surprised? She wanted to marry him and get married with him?

This reaction disappointed Ling Xi greatly!

Ye Nuan chuckled. " I was just asking. "

Ling Xi said unhappily, " If we break up now, I'll have to sleep on the streets. All my properties are under your name. Even the car I'm driving is yours. "