Li Yan Is Jealous (2)

Li Yan stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look at Qiao Mu. " It's true that you'll become stupid for three years after getting pregnant, but with your IQ, even if you're not pregnant, you won't be able to understand what these are. "

Qiao Mu pursed her lips and did not argue with him. She leaned into his embrace and said, " Hubby, I have something to discuss with you. Look, my body has returned to normal. Can I resume my working condition? "

Li Yan raised his eyebrows. " Has your body recovered? "

"Yes, yes!" Qiao Mu nodded.

Li Yan put the computer aside and looked at the woman in front of him. She had just taken a shower and was wearing loose pajamas. Her slender neck was fair and tender. When he looked down, he could vaguely see the cleavage on her chest. It looked very tempting.

He held her waist and let her lean against him. " I need to verify whether your body has recovered. "