Not Fiancée, Wife

Qiao Mu left Sun Tingting's management company and went straight to Key Studio.

"You came from Sun Tingting's place?" Key asked when he saw her.

" Yes. " Qiao Mu nodded and smiled. " Teacher Key, Sun Tingting seems to be hoping that you can be her personal designer. "

"So?" Key did not think much of it.

" Because of this, it's very challenging for me. I'll definitely seize this opportunity and not disappoint you. " Qiao Mu guaranteed.

Key nodded with a smile. " Yes, I believe you. "

He had raised Qiao Mu single-handedly, and he was well aware of her abilities. Even if she encountered any problems, he believed that she would definitely resolve them.

Qiao Mu couldn't help but feel a little proud after being affirmed by the BOSS.