An Accident (1)

"Well, it still needs to be tested." Sun Tingting paused. " You can just call me Tingting. Don't call me Miss Sun. It sounds awkward. "

Qiao Mu was helpless. She had clearly already accepted her, yet she still refused to formally hire her.


After Qiao Mu finished her day's work, she and Tang Jiajia were leaving the set when they heard a conversation from the corridor. "" Sun Tingting really knows how to act like a diva. In the entire crew, only her clothes are the most special. We are all from ordinary brands, but she's so beautiful without any clothes. What right does she have? "

Qiao Mu was speechless. Did these people understand fashion? If the Key brand was an ordinary brand, then what else was a big brand?

However, the costumes of the other characters in the movie were directly taken from the Key store. Only Sun Tingting's costume was designed by her and had not yet been released. She was using this opportunity to promote her design.