Madam Li's Identity (2)

Sun Tingting did not think much of it. " Because I know the truth. How can I just sit back and do nothing? Besides, Key will handle your matter. I believe Key will definitely resolve this small matter."

Qiao Mu was helpless. She looked at Sun Tingting's face full of adoration when she mentioned Key, and that look was really adorable.

Right at this moment, Qiao Mu's phone rang. She smiled. " Speak of the devil. He's calling. "

Sun Tingting pretended to not care and pouted. She walked out. " You can answer the phone. I'll go deal with my manager. "

Qiao Mu picked up the call and immediately said, "" Teacher Key, you know everything? "

"How can I not know about this?" "How do you want to deal with it?" Key asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Qiao Mu said softly.