Experienced in Being Flirted

Wei Qiao shook her head. " No, she's just like her name. "

When she heard the word " Shen Yi ", Qiao Wei remembered that she had an unhappy betrothal.

The name Shen Yi was not unfamiliar to Qiao Wei. He was her fiancé in name. This person's name had appeared in her memory since she was young, so it was difficult for her not to remember.

Although her impression of this person was only from her childhood, Auntie Shen would always remind her on the phone how outstanding her future husband was now. However, she was not interested in how outstanding he was.

Wei Qiao had never taken the betrothal arranged by her parents seriously. In her opinion, she could only make her own decisions in her life. Moreover, she also understood that her parents would not let her marry someone she did not like.

Therefore, every time Auntie Shen called her overseas, she would respond politely and completely ignore her outstanding son.