Do You Want Money or Fame?

On this day, Sun Tiantian did not even finish 20 laps before she collapsed from a heatstroke. This time, she was really tricked.

Because of this incident, Qiao Wei, Sun Tiantian, and Tang Xiaoyao had a grudge against each other. However, Qiao Wei didn't take it to heart.


At night, Wei Qiao continued her live broadcast. Due to the excellent results of the previous live broadcast, coupled with the radio station's strong recommendation, the popularity of the radio station soared in June and gained many new fans. When she started her live broadcast again, the number of people almost doubled.

Sun Yan Yan had always been ranked second on the leaderboard. She had been chasing after Wei Qiao for a few days and had just closed the gap between the two of them in gold coins. Wei Qiao's live broadcast once again left Sun Yan Yan far behind.