Chapter 1740-Caught Up With The Instructor

That night, Wei Qiao went online in advance and prepared to start a live broadcast.

As soon as he went online, he received a private message from Mimi:" Liuyue, you're finally online. Breaking news! Sun Yanyan and Qing Tian have hooked up. The two of them are rumored to be involved in a scandal. Qing Tian is currently in Sun Yanyan's livestream room. The two of them are livestreaming together! "

Sunny day and sun?

Wei Qiao realized that Qing Tian was quite efficient. Previously, she had failed to cooperate with her, but now she had shifted her target to Sun Yan Yan.

These two people were really a scumbag man and a scumbag woman, a match made in heaven.

Wei Qiao replied,[We'll just watch the show. Other people's matters have nothing to do with us.]