Cold War, Framed (3)

"Who is it?" Shen Yi asked coldly.

"Wei Qiao." Sun Tiantian showed Shen Yi the video on her phone. " Instructor, the surveillance shows that Qiao Wei was the only one who went to my dormitory and was acting sneakily. I suspect that she stole my necklace. "

Shen Yi glanced at the surveillance video. In the video, a person in a camouflage uniform and a cap was sneaking from room to room with his head lowered. The person in the video was covered so tightly that his face could not be seen at all.

Shen Yi glanced at Sun Tiantian coldly. " This is the evidence? How can you tell that this person is Wei Qiao?"

Sun Tiantian knew that Shen Yi would ask this question, so she calmly explained, ""Instructor, this person came out of Wei Qiao's room, sneaked into my room, and then returned to her own room. Who else could it be if not her?"

"Is that so?" Shen Yi's eyes darkened. " There are two people in the same dormitory. How can you be sure that it's her? "