Actually, I Don't Hate You (3)

Wei Qiao lowered her head. From Shen Yi's angle, he could see her big eyes blinking. When he heard her say this, the gloomy mood of the past few days instantly disappeared.

She did not hate him that much.

By saying this, he already understood that she did not hate him!

Qiao Wei did not wait for his reply. She raised her head and glared at him unhappily. " Shen Yi, you can't be so petty, right? I'm a patient now, and you're still so fierce to me…"

Before she could finish her sentence, her body suddenly rose into the air and Shen Yi carried her horizontally.

Qiao Wei cried out in shock and subconsciously wrapped her arms around Shen Yi's neck. " What are you doing? "

Then, Shen Yi turned around and placed her on the bed.

"Since you know that you're sick, lie down and rest. Don't get out of bed and move around." He looked down at her. " Your stomach doesn't hurt anymore? "